This is the Porta Picena in daylight to give you a better idea of the Ba

ttle setting. There are 4 gateways into San Ginesio and all townsfolk owe their allegiance to one. Each contrada has its own flag and colours. Porta Picena (red), Porta Alveneto (green), Porta Ascarana (yellow - this is the one nearest the house and typically in my least favourite of the 4 colours) and Porta Offuna (blue and the prettiest - also shown here). And in the run up to the annual Palio each gateway hosts an open air dinner that anyone can attend and which focuses on one ingredient. This year Porta Alveneto was Wild Boar and Porta Picena Gnocchi. The streets are also festooned with flags in the colours of the area. The main piazza is always in red and nowhere near the Porta Picena which will just have to remain a mystery. Can anyone tell that I have too much time on my hands! Time to find a job.
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