My neighbour and his father tackled clearing the land at the back of the house this morning. So armed with a chain saw and an industrial strength strimmer they disappeared into the undergrowth. It has made a massive difference to the outlook and although there are still trees between me and the view of the landscape, it's much improved and there are enticing glimpses of the rolling hills beyond. Pier-Francesco had a nasty bite on his neck when they'd finished, I shudder to think how many insects there are on that land. If the church does own it then I'd never be able to buy it, as they won't sell, but as least that means that it will always be unused and I don't have the money to buy it anyway. Nice to dream of a little summer house though. And while the men toiled away, my nieces spectated.
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Chain saws and Church land
My neighbour and his father tackled clearing the land at the back of the house this morning. So armed with a chain saw and an industrial strength strimmer they disappeared into the undergrowth. It has made a massive difference to the outlook and although there are still trees between me and the view of the landscape, it's much improved and there are enticing glimpses of the rolling hills beyond. Pier-Francesco had a nasty bite on his neck when they'd finished, I shudder to think how many insects there are on that land. If the church does own it then I'd never be able to buy it, as they won't sell, but as least that means that it will always be unused and I don't have the money to buy it anyway. Nice to dream of a little summer house though. And while the men toiled away, my nieces spectated.
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