I have decided to keep the blog going but it's going to be "Autumn in London". And from the weather today I am being optimistic. It just won't stop raining. Wet and miserable. But it does save me from sweeping up the entrance in preparation for my neighbour coming home from his holiday. He is so neat and tidy (hoovers his decking which I am sure he won't mind me sharing with you) that I feel I ought to clean up the rubbish that blows in from the street. Also we had strong winds the other day and his tomato plants were almost blown over. His flatmate has tied them up but they aren't upright and I am worried that if I try and correct this, the main stems will snap. I went to Tate Britain yesterday to see "Rude Britannia" an exhibition of British Comic Art. Each room is curated by a guest editor like Harry Hill (never understood the fuss myself) and Viz (purile I know but absolute genius). Someone showed me a copy of Viz when I was at university, which wasn't long after it launched and I couldn't believe a publication could get away with being so rude and un politically correct. Anyway the Viz room was very very funny and I kept laughing out loud and getting strange sidelong glances. I have no idea what the picture of the man and dog was doing in the exhibition but I liked it. And the letter is an extract from Viz.
That' s so funny, thanks for posting. I miss British humour and there's no way Viz would be allowed in S'pore