Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Two days to go then I am on my way for a month in Italy. I spoke to Fabrizia yesterday, who looks after things when I am not around, and she said that the garden looks great. Her father planted grass seed for me and pruned the apricot tree. I pruned it 2 years ago, which must have been the first time in years, but I didn't have a ladder so I went into my neighbour's garden and reached over the railings in my Marc Jacob winter coat (not really gardening attire but it was cold) and massacred the branches with a rusty saw. My garden and my neighbour Francesca's are on two levels. I will post a photo when I get there so you can see what I mean and admire the lawn!
I have always been a bit scathing about blogs, so am a bit dubious about whether anyone will be interested in what I get up to this summer. But I suppose it could spur me on to do more than the usual sleeping, eating, pottering and reading routine that I fall into with ease. I have signed up for a course at the City Lit this autumn called "Italy Today" where you read and discuss newspaper articles and watch current affair TV programmes. So every day this summer I will attempt to learn something new about the local region to tell you about. Most likely trivia but that's the plan anyway.
Well the next post will be from San Ginesio. Ciao, ciao.


  1. Hurray!You're a geek!

  2. Keep the updates short, sweet and juicy; we're only really interested in new encounters... (you know, builders etc...)R

  3. That's enough Mr Dines. And I am proud to wear the geek badge with pride. Who'd have thought I could have progressed from slate and pencil to blogging.

  4. John wants to know why you are 'crouching to have a pee' in that photo..

  5. no peeing involved. i can see the tone this blog is going to take. might need to review the ability for blog followers to comment!
